eRPC Generator (erpcgen)  Rev. 1.12.0
NXP Semiconductors
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cerpcgen::AnnotationAnnotation class
 Cerpcgen::AstNodeHomogeneous AST node class
 Cerpcgen::AstPrinterDumps an AST tree
 Cerpcgen::AstWalkerPerforms a depth-first walk of an AST
 Cerpcgen::SymbolScannerScans for symbol names
 Cerpcgen::AstWalker::bottom_upSpecifier type to select bottom-up handler using ADL
 Cerpcgen::CurrentFileInfoThis class contains necessary information about analyzed file
 Cerpcgen::erpcgenToolClass that encapsulates the erpcgen tool
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstd::runtime_errorSTL class
 Cerpcgen::erpc_errorBase exception class for eRPC errors
 Cerpcgen::internal_errorException class for internal errors
 Cerpcgen::lexical_errorException class for lexical errors
 Cerpcgen::semantic_errorException class for semantic errors
 Cerpcgen::syntax_errorException class for syntax errors
 Cerpcgen::syntax_error2Exception class for syntax errors
 Cerpcgen::FunctionBaseFunction base declaration
 Cerpcgen::FunctionFunction declaration
 Cerpcgen::FunctionTypeFunction data type
 Cerpcgen::GeneratorAbstract code generator base class
 Cerpcgen::CGeneratorCode generator for C
 Cerpcgen::JavaGeneratorCode generator for Jva
 Cerpcgen::PythonGeneratorCode generator for Python
 Cerpcgen::GroupAn interface that contains functions
 Cerpcgen::InterfaceDefinitionCollects all definitions from an IDL
 CLogWraps a set of static functions for easy global logging access
 CLoggerBase logger class
 CStdoutLoggerSimple logger that writes to stdout and stderr
 COptionsParse command-line options
 CPathSearcherHandles searching a list of paths for a file
 CLog::SetOutputLevelUtility class to temporarily change the logging output level
 Csmart_ptr< T, delete_policy >Simple, standard smart pointer class
 Csmart_ptr_delete< T >Delete policy for regular objects
 Csmart_ptr_delete_array< T >Delete policy for arrays
 Csmart_ptr_free< T >Delete policy using free() to delete objects
 Cerpcgen::SymbolBase class for all named declarations in the IDL
 Cerpcgen::ConstTypeConst class
 Cerpcgen::DataTypeBase class for data types
 Cerpcgen::ArrayTypeFixed length array of any other data type
 Cerpcgen::BuiltinTypeRepresents the builtin atomic types
 Cerpcgen::EnumTypeEnumerate data type
 Cerpcgen::FunctionTypeFunction data type
 Cerpcgen::ListTypeVariable length list of another data type
 Cerpcgen::StructTypeStructure data type
 Cerpcgen::UnionTypeDiscriminated union data type
 Cerpcgen::VoidTypeVoid data type
 Cerpcgen::EnumMemberMember of a enum
 Cerpcgen::FunctionFunction declaration
 Cerpcgen::InterfaceAn interface that contains functions
 Cerpcgen::ProgramProgram declaration
 Cerpcgen::StructMemberMember of a struct
 Cerpcgen::UnionCaseDiscriminated union case type
 Cerpcgen::SymbolScopeA scoped namespace containing symbols
 Cerpcgen::TokenEncapsulates all information about a token
 Cerpcgen::token_loc_tToken location in the source file
 Cerpcgen::AstWalker::top_downSpecifier type to select top-down handler using ADL
 Cerpcgen::UniqueIdCheckerAdd ids to interfaces and functions
 CValueAbstract base class for values of arbitrary types
 CFloatValueDouble floating point value
 CIntegerValue64-bit integer value
 CStringValueString value
 Cerpcgen::ErpcLexerLexical scanner class for erpcgen interface files