eRPC Generator (erpcgen)  Rev. 1.12.0
NXP Semiconductors
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAnnotationAnnotation class
 CArrayTypeFixed length array of any other data type
 CAstNodeHomogeneous AST node class
 CAstPrinterDumps an AST tree
 CAstWalkerPerforms a depth-first walk of an AST
 Cbottom_upSpecifier type to select bottom-up handler using ADL
 Ctop_downSpecifier type to select top-down handler using ADL
 CBuiltinTypeRepresents the builtin atomic types
 CCGeneratorCode generator for C
 CConstTypeConst class
 CCurrentFileInfoThis class contains necessary information about analyzed file
 CDataTypeBase class for data types
 CEnumMemberMember of a enum
 CEnumTypeEnumerate data type
 Cerpc_errorBase exception class for eRPC errors
 CerpcgenToolClass that encapsulates the erpcgen tool
 CErpcLexerLexical scanner class for erpcgen interface files
 CFunctionFunction declaration
 CFunctionBaseFunction base declaration
 CFunctionTypeFunction data type
 CGeneratorAbstract code generator base class
 CGroupAn interface that contains functions
 CInterfaceAn interface that contains functions
 CInterfaceDefinitionCollects all definitions from an IDL
 Cinternal_errorException class for internal errors
 CJavaGeneratorCode generator for Jva
 Clexical_errorException class for lexical errors
 CListTypeVariable length list of another data type
 CProgramProgram declaration
 CPythonGeneratorCode generator for Python
 Csemantic_errorException class for semantic errors
 CStructMemberMember of a struct
 CStructTypeStructure data type
 CSymbolBase class for all named declarations in the IDL
 CSymbolScannerScans for symbol names
 CSymbolScopeA scoped namespace containing symbols
 Csyntax_errorException class for syntax errors
 Csyntax_error2Exception class for syntax errors
 CTokenEncapsulates all information about a token
 Ctoken_loc_tToken location in the source file
 CUnionCaseDiscriminated union case type
 CUnionTypeDiscriminated union data type
 CUniqueIdCheckerAdd ids to interfaces and functions
 CVoidTypeVoid data type
 CFloatValueDouble floating point value
 CIntegerValue64-bit integer value
 CLogWraps a set of static functions for easy global logging access
 CSetOutputLevelUtility class to temporarily change the logging output level
 CLoggerBase logger class
 COptionsParse command-line options
 CPathSearcherHandles searching a list of paths for a file
 Csmart_ptrSimple, standard smart pointer class
 Csmart_ptr_deleteDelete policy for regular objects
 Csmart_ptr_delete_arrayDelete policy for arrays
 Csmart_ptr_freeDelete policy using free() to delete objects
 CStdoutLoggerSimple logger that writes to stdout and stderr
 CStringValueString value
 CValueAbstract base class for values of arbitrary types