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eRPC Generator (erpcgen)
Rev. 1.12.0
NXP Semiconductors
▼Nerpcgen | |
CAliasType | Typedef |
CAnnotation | Annotation class |
CArrayType | Fixed length array of any other data type |
CAstNode | Homogeneous AST node class |
CAstPrinter | Dumps an AST tree |
▼CAstWalker | Performs a depth-first walk of an AST |
Cbottom_up | Specifier type to select bottom-up handler using ADL |
Ctop_down | Specifier type to select top-down handler using ADL |
CBuiltinType | Represents the builtin atomic types |
CCGenerator | Code generator for C |
CConstType | Const class |
CCurrentFileInfo | This class contains necessary information about analyzed file |
CDataType | Base class for data types |
CEnumMember | Member of a enum |
CEnumType | Enumerate data type |
Cerpc_error | Base exception class for eRPC errors |
CerpcgenTool | Class that encapsulates the erpcgen tool |
CErpcLexer | Lexical scanner class for erpcgen interface files |
CFunction | Function declaration |
CFunctionBase | Function base declaration |
CFunctionType | Function data type |
CGenerator | Abstract code generator base class |
CGroup | An interface that contains functions |
CInterface | An interface that contains functions |
CInterfaceDefinition | Collects all definitions from an IDL |
Cinternal_error | Exception class for internal errors |
CJavaGenerator | Code generator for Jva |
Clexical_error | Exception class for lexical errors |
CListType | Variable length list of another data type |
CProgram | Program declaration |
CPythonGenerator | Code generator for Python |
Csemantic_error | Exception class for semantic errors |
CStructMember | Member of a struct |
CStructType | Structure data type |
CSymbol | Base class for all named declarations in the IDL |
CSymbolScanner | Scans for symbol names |
▼CSymbolScope | A scoped namespace containing symbols |
Ctyped_iterator | |
Csyntax_error | Exception class for syntax errors |
Csyntax_error2 | Exception class for syntax errors |
CToken | Encapsulates all information about a token |
Ctoken_loc_t | Token location in the source file |
CUnionCase | Discriminated union case type |
CUnionType | Discriminated union data type |
CUniqueIdChecker | Add ids to interfaces and functions |
CVoidType | Void data type |
CFloatValue | Double floating point value |
CIntegerValue | 64-bit integer value |
▼CLog | Wraps a set of static functions for easy global logging access |
CSetOutputLevel | Utility class to temporarily change the logging output level |
CLogger | Base logger class |
COptArgvIter | |
COptions | Parse command-line options |
COptionSpec | |
COptIstreamIter | |
COptIter | |
COptIterRwd | |
COptStrTokIter | |
CPathSearcher | Handles searching a list of paths for a file |
Csmart_ptr | Simple, standard smart pointer class |
Csmart_ptr_delete | Delete policy for regular objects |
Csmart_ptr_delete_array | Delete policy for arrays |
Csmart_ptr_free | Delete policy using free() to delete objects |
CStdoutLogger | Simple logger that writes to stdout and stderr |
CStringValue | String value |
CValue | Abstract base class for values of arbitrary types |